Information & Documents

Explore here all the detailed information and related legal documentation regarding the activities carried out by F.lli Campagnolo S.p.A.

Sustainability report

The journey undertaken by F.lli Campagnolo S.p.A towards sustainability, “For a Better Planet,” involves various forms of intervention that concern not only manufactoring and the choice of materials but also the company in a more general sense, its people, governance, and all stakeholders.

Previous Years:

Ethical code

Since its origins, F.lli Campagnolo S.p.A. has conducted its business activities based on values such as honesty, loyalty, and solidarity. In addition to economic growth, it also aims at the well-being of its personnel and positive impacts on the territory, with a vision that has anticipated sustainability issues by years.

Whistleblowing policy

Whistleblowing, or reporting any alleged wrongdoing, is a corruption prevention system introduced by the Italian law  no. 190 of November 6th, 2012,”Provisions for the prevention and suppression of corruption and illegality in the Public Administration.”